Episode 422 — Would you Baptize Baby Yoda?

Episode 422 — Would you Baptize Baby Yoda?
Like Trees Walking

Michael J Nelson hates Star Wars. Want to make him suffer and support a good cause? Here's how you can help: we are hoping to raise at least $1,000 to support Ace in the City's Center of Belonging (CoB). The CoB will collaboratively cultivate a physical space that addresses the foundational life supports and services crucial toward healthy living, including:

Full-Choice Food Shelf (Ace in the City)
Food for Life Classes (Rooted Green Wellness)
Youth Development/Drop-In Childcare (Ace in the City)
House Stability (Wayside Recovery)
Vocational Training (Emerge Mother’s Academy)
Addiction Recovery Services (Wayside Recovery)
Other partnerships are in the works that will address child assessments, medical, dental and prevention work

If we raise $1,000 Mike will go see the new Star Wars movie December 28th. If you give $500 or more you are invited to come see the movie with us (must make your own way to the Twin Cities). If we raise $5,000 Mike will do "tasteful" cosplay when he attends the showing.

You can give via Facebook or at Ace in the City’s website (make sure to end your donation with the number 9 so we can count it).